Effective July 1st, a new California law (SB 553) went into effect which affects nearly every company operating in the state. SB 553 mandates comprehensive safety standards to protect employees from workplace violence. As previously discussed in our prior post (https://vanguardprotectiongroup.com/sb553/), workplace violence has been on the rise in California.
The 2023-24 ASIS Security Risk Management Report ranks the most significant threats that pose the most risk to an organization. This report highlights the top two major security concerns for corporations: workplace violence or active assailant threats, and ransomware or other cyber-attacks. Read the full report here:
The key points highlighted in the report are as follows:
• Security professionals face a complex and overlapping threat landscape
• Of the organizations surveyed, 75% experienced at least one type of significant incident
• 18% experienced four or more incidents
• Organizations which did not experience a significant incident were in the minority
• Security risk management plans are highly effective
• Most security professionals are unsuccessful in engaging executive decision makers
• Most executives incorrectly see security risks as having only limited impact on the organization
At Vanguard Protection, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate the complexities of modern security threats. By adopting a proactive approach to security risk management, we ensure that your assets are not only protected but that your organization is prepared to handle any incidents that may arise. Our goal is to transform security from a reactionary function to a strategic partner in your overall risk management strategy, making your organization safer and more resilient in the face of ever-evolving threats.
For more information on how we can help you enhance your security strategy, contact us today.