Vanguard Protection’s

Hybrid Approach

Vanguard Protection uses a unique hybrid approach to protect our clients, equipping our skilled Agents with the latest technology including drones, AI, advanced optics, and autonomous robotic and software systems.

Our team relies on their specialized training and real world operational experience to conduct our security analyses. We then formulate unique, viable solutions, enhanced with the latest technology, hardware, and AI-driven software to provide solutions beyond those provided with human ability alone.

The result is a superior mesh of human and technological protection. This hybridized approach offers greater defensive capabilities than a stand alone approach, and offers greater flexibility to our clients depending on their unique needs. We partner with cutting-edge defense technology providers to offer solutions that augment traditional defensive strategies, and exceed our clients’ expectations.

Connect with our team today to discover how our hybrid approach can greatly benefit your organization, saving you time and money, all while achieving maximum protection of your organization or business.