Client and Their Lifestyle Manager Meeting with Vanguard Agent McCarter

The Protector’s Perspective: Lifestyle Managers and The Security Risks in Handling a Client’s Schedule

In today’s fast-paced world, lifestyle managers play a pivotal role in organizing, streamlining, and managing the personal and professional lives of high-net-worth clients. These individuals often serve as the gatekeepers of their clients’ schedules, coordinating everything from business meetings to personal appointments, travel itineraries, and social events. While the importance of this role cannot be overstated, what is often overlooked is the significant security risk that comes with having access to and managing such sensitive information.

At Vanguard Protection we recognize the critical importance of ensuring that lifestyle managers—those trusted to handle the most intimate details of a client’s life—are equipped with the right tools and knowledge to mitigate security risks associated with managing their clients’ schedules.

The Potential Threats

Targeted Attacks One of the most pressing risks for lifestyle managers is the potential for targeted attacks. A client’s schedule can be a treasure trove of information for individuals or organizations seeking to cause harm. If a client’s whereabouts, travel plans, or meetings are leaked, they become vulnerable to kidnapping, extortion, or harassment. Criminals may target lifestyle managers, knowing they hold critical details that reveal when their client is most vulnerable or exposed.

Social Engineering Lifestyle managers are prime targets for social engineering attacks. Cybercriminals may impersonate trusted individuals, such as colleagues, family members, or service providers, to extract sensitive information from the manager. By posing as someone credible, these attackers can trick lifestyle managers into revealing the client’s schedule or altering it for malicious purposes. Even the most seasoned professionals can fall prey to these sophisticated tactics if they are not vigilant.

Data Breaches In an era where most scheduling is managed digitally, lifestyle managers must rely on technology to store and update client schedules. Whether using email, calendar apps, or communication platforms, there’s always a risk that these systems can be compromised. A data breach or a hacker gaining access to a client’s schedule can lead to severe consequences, from invasions of privacy to physical security threats.

Stalker and Media Intrusions High-profile clients often attract unwanted attention, whether from obsessive fans, stalkers, or relentless media outlets. Lifestyle managers who do not maintain strict control over a client’s schedule can inadvertently make their client an easier target. For example, an unvetted third-party service provider or casual conversation about a client’s plans can lead to information being leaked to the wrong person.

Insider Threats Sadly, the greatest risks sometimes come from within. A disgruntled former employee, household staff, or even a lifestyle manager themselves could pose a risk by leaking or selling sensitive information. This insider threat can have devastating consequences, especially if the client’s routine or personal vulnerabilities are exposed.

Best Practices for Lifestyle Managers to Mitigate Security Risks

To counter these growing risks, lifestyle managers must adopt a proactive approach to security. At Vanguard Protection, we recommend several key practices:

  1. Implement a Need-to-Know Protocol The more people who have access to a client’s schedule, the greater the security risk. Lifestyle managers should limit the sharing of client schedules to only those who absolutely need the information. This reduces the risk of leaks and prevents unnecessary exposure. Even within a client’s team, discretion is essential.
  2. Verify Every Request Social engineering attacks thrive on exploiting trust. Every request for access to, or modification of, a client’s schedule should be verified. Lifestyle managers should adopt a policy of confirming the identity and legitimacy of individuals before sharing any details or making changes. This extra step, while seemingly tedious, can be the difference between a secure client and a vulnerable one.
  3. Secure Digital Communication Lifestyle managers should prioritize using encrypted communication channels when discussing or sharing client schedules. Regular email and messaging apps can be vulnerable to interception, so it’s vital to adopt secure platforms designed to protect sensitive information. Additionally, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and regular software updates are necessary to safeguard any digital tools used to manage the schedule.
  4. Implement Physical Security for Sensitive Documents While much of a client’s schedule is managed digitally, physical documents such as event invitations, itineraries, or handwritten notes are still common. These should be stored securely in locked cabinets or safes and shredded when no longer needed. The mishandling of physical documents can be just as dangerous as a data breach.
  5. Collaborate with Security Teams Lifestyle managers should work closely with a client’s security team, like Vanguard Protection, to align schedules with protective measures. For example, ensuring that security personnel are informed of all travel plans, business engagements, or public appearances allows for proper planning and risk assessment. Collaboration ensures that all aspects of the client’s schedule are safeguarded.
  6. Maintain Discretion and Confidentiality Discretion is a lifestyle manager’s best tool in preventing security risks. Even in casual conversations, sharing information about a client’s whereabouts or plans can lead to unintended exposure. Managers should adopt a policy of strict confidentiality, only discussing schedules when necessary and in a secure environment.


The role of a lifestyle manager goes beyond simply organizing a client’s day; it involves safeguarding a significant amount of sensitive information that, if compromised, can have severe consequences. By implementing best practices in security, verifying information requests, and consulting with security professionals like Vanguard Protection, lifestyle managers can minimize the risks associated with handling a high-profile client’s schedule.